Month: March 2020

Sharing SHiFTs by Amanda ~ Pay Attention! To What?

As we move through this unprecedented time in the history of our nation, it’s important for everyone but especially food addicts to remember that where we put or attention not only matters but can make a big difference in the quality of our lives.

Will we focus on the fights erupting over supplies or the acts of kindness taking place across the world? Is our attention riveted on the number of sick people or the growing number of those who have recovered?

In our recoveries, we make these same choices on a daily basis. Will we focus on the foods that aren’t on our plans or how healthy we feel from eating abstinently? Is our attention drawn to our flaws when we look in the mirror or to the beauty of our individuality? Are we paying attention to the people we hurt in our past or focusing on making living amends day by day?

Will we look at all of the things we have given up to change our lives or will our attention be drawn to the miracle that is recovery?

Pay attention to the gifts in your life and life gets better. Focus on the negativity and life becomes so.

What will you pay attention to during this time?

Sharing SHiFTs by Amanda ~ Connecting During Social Distancing

What a busy and challenging week it’s been! For us at SHiFT, the world-wide quarantines have provided us with an opportunity to re-think the format of some of our programs. In the weeks to come, we will be introducing several new virtual support options for both food addicts new to recovery and for our alumni.

In the meantime, we are hearing from many food addicts that being at home without support from other food addicts can be challenging. I cannot stress enough the need to keep connected to your support network during this time. If you have yet to develop a support network, now is the time to find one.

Many Twelve-Step meetings have moved online. You can find online OA meetings here. Online Food Addicts Anonymous Meetings are listed here. Grey Sheeters Anonymous video meetings are listed here and Food Addicts Anonymous phone meetings are listed here.

Keeping in touch with a sponsor if you have one, is important as is reading recovery books.  Here’s a suggested reading list.

If you’re still unsure about what food addiction is, there’s some information about that here.

Whatever way you choose to connect with other food addicts in recovery, be sure to be consistent.  Home alone in your head is not a good place for any food addict.

Remember, we are practicing social distancing NOT isolation.

We’re here to help if you need us.

Sharing SHiFTs by Amanda ~ Fear and Knowing

There’s a lot going on this week. People are scared for their health and things are shifting by the second. Profound changes are happening in our world.

And, there’s a lot of fear everywhere.

Fear is especially challenging for food addicts to deal with. Those in recovery, are used to turning to food to soothe their fears. Those who are not yet in recovery may not even recognize how fearful they are.

The answer to both is knowing. I don’t mean in a religious sort of way but in a knowing that things will be okay.  Sometimes when it seems as if the world is spinning out of control, it’s easy to forget that what we are worrying about today will pass and life will go on, maybe in a different way, but it will continue.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my own recovery is that if I “act as if” something is true then ultimately it works out that way, whether it’s positive or negative in my life.

If I act as if the world is ending then, while the world may not end in reality, in my mind, I will experience the stress of this as if it were real.

If I act as if I know that things will work out and be okay then, in my mind, I will experience a calm knowing that will benefit me in more ways than I can imagine. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t take prudent precautions to stay healthy but that we should expand these precautions to include our mental health as well.

Rather than obsessively watching news reports about how quickly the virus is spreading, we can choose to take a break and go outside to breathe in fresh air. Instead of constantly talking or thinking about the dangers of the virus, we can take a few minutes to do yoga or meditate. If the fear feels overwhelming, we can take a walk, ride our bicycles or do some other form of physical exercise.

Today, we have a choice about whether or not to experience extreme fear or the calm knowing that gives us serenity.

Sharing SHiFTs by Amanda ~ Words Have Power!

I will never ever be able to stop eating. 

My life will never ever change. 

I will never ever lose weight.

These are the words of food addicts who have yet to find recovery. They are spoken in desperation and defeat. They are spoken by those who have given up all hope of ever eating normally and living a healthy life. They are spoken to us when we first meet.

It’s not possible for me to eat healthy food and feel satisfied.

It’s not possible for me to stop overeating. 

It’s not possible for other people to understand how important food is to me.

These words are spoken to us when food addicts first arrive at our programs desperate for help yet not believing that anything will work for them.  They are spoken in defiance by those who are not yet willing to make changes.

My life today is an absolute miracle! 

It’s an absolute miracle that I am able to eat healthy meals and feel full! 

I have experienced an absolute miracle that I didn’t even know was possible!

These words are spoken on the last day of our Acorn Intensive by those who now understand food addiction. They are spoken by those whose lives have been transformed in a way that they never could have imagined and most of all, they are spoken by food addicts in recovery on their way to an exciting new life!

The words belong to food addicts across the world, but the choice for your life is yours.