
Most people struggling with food addiction require support, as addiction is not a disease that can be conquered alone. SHiFT counselors understand this, both personally and professionally. As recovering food addicts themselves with years of stable abstinence, they know how important it is to have reliable people to lean on.

One-on-one coaching offers a safe and personalized space for you to explore your unique needs in your recovery from food addiction. Your coach will help you to identify blocks in your recovery, develop a food plan that works for you, and work through emotional issues that may be getting in the way of your recovery. Sessions are done over the phone or via online video conferencing, from the comfort of your home.

With years of experience successfully working with food addicted people, our counselors will meet you where you’re at and help you along your journey. At SHiFT, we are committed to seeing you get the support that you need.

If you’re ready to receive more support for your food addiction, join us to experience the SHiFT: Sobriety, Hope, Freedom, and Transformation.


Coaching via video conferencing, in-person or phone: $180 per hour

Alumni may also purchase a package of 6 one hour sessions for $900 ($180 savings)

Meet our Professional Counselors:

Amanda Leith      Gina Miller

Accountability Coaching Program
Clients will work with an accountability coach regularly to strengthen your recovery.

  • Coaching that builds on the work of the Intensive
  • 15 minute phone call daily with a SHiFT Accountability Coach
  • “Nuts & Bolts” to maintain abstinence
  • Your questions answered
  • Guidance regarding food plan and meal prep


Accountability Coaching: $80 per hour or a package of 6 hours for $450 ($30 savings)

Meet our Food Addiction Professionals:

Calen Bernhardt     Karen Gormely     Tosca Lindberg

For more Information or to book coaching:

Please contact Raynea at the SHiFT Office: 941-378-2122 or

We look forward to seeing you and sharing in your recovery journey!