Let’s get moving!!! Tomorrow is National Dance Day! This annual celebration, dedicated to dance, is sponsored by the American Dance Movement an organization that “believes participation in dance connects the mind and body, promotes health and well-being, connects us with others and enables us to find joy through dance and movement.”
For food addicts, finding joy through movement of any kind is a true miracle. Before recovery, most food addicts had limited mobility. In recovery, however, all of that changes. Where once climbing a flight of stairs was a challenge, now so much more is possible.
Have you always wanted to dance but are afraid of what people will think or what you’ll look like? Take a risk. If it feels safer, go into a room by yourself and shut the blinds then put on some music and move your body in a way that feels good. It doesn’t have to be perfect or look beautiful. This is about appreciating your body exactly the way that it is.

Even more important, it’s worth thinking about how amazing the human body is. We regularly see food addicts who once weighed over 300 pounds now restored to total health and fitness after following a food plan for a sustained period of time. Think about where you came from and where you are now. Doesn’t your body deserve appreciation and gratitude for getting you through all of those years while you were in your addiction?
Take some time tomorrow and celebrate your body!
Dance! Dance! Dance!