Join SHiFT Staff for our Alumni Integration Series: Emotional Sobriety – Beyond Relapse, Beyond Addictive Thinking and Beyond Codependency

  • Do you have physical abstinence and have a desire for more freedom?
  • Are you ready to be free of your limiting thoughts?
  • Does your brain race compulsively at times?
  • Are you “white-knuckling” your recovery?
  • Are you a people-pleaser at the expense of taking care of your own needs?
  • Do you experience difficulties setting boundaries or saying no to others?
  • Are you experiencing chronic relapse or other painful compulsive behaviors in your life?

If you have put down the food and are looking for the promised serenity you will benefit from taking this course.

Join us as we guide you into a deeper understanding of emotional sobriety. A healthy recovery can only emerge when we achieve emotional balance one day at a time. Our goal is to support participants to build skills that will allow them to experience a full emotional life – to use these skills to connect with others in a healthy manner while avoiding overwhelm caused by counterproductive, runaway emotional state.

The binge/restrict cycle that is commonly associated with food also applies to emotions. An emotional binge can be incredibly painful, causing us to completely abandon ourselves and the people we love, robbing us of the serenity that comes with living in recovery. Reacting to these overwhelming painful feelings, our defense is often to avoid feeling at all, numbing our feelings any way that we can. Many people fall back into the food, but just as commonly, people escape their feelings with other forms of addiction.

As food addicts, we weigh and measure our food in order to have the right amount to sustain our health. In the same way, emotions can hold a balanced and measured place in our lives. This course will guide you in designing your own individual plan of abstinence for emotional sobriety and to develop the tools you need to live in recovery over the long haul.

Topics to be covered:

  • Emotional awareness and resilience
  • Healthy Internal Narrative
  • Connection and Spirituality
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Codependency
  • Identifying and questioning our thoughts
  • Identifying your personal triggers
  • Developing an action plan to avoid emotional binges

Emotional sobriety is the key to living a life beyond your wildest dreams. Imagine finding the freedom to live your life without getting taken out by strong emotions!

This structured program will lead you into an emotionally sober lifestyle and help you clearly identify your personal patterns of dishonest thinking and compulsive actions.

The program will consist of a full weekend Zoom workshop followed by four weekly 2 hour Zoom evening workshops. The schedule will be as follows:

Program Schedule:

June 6 – July 9, 2025: Beyond  Addictive ThinkingVirtual
    *Full Weekend + 4 Weekly Sessions
    Friday, Jun 6 : 3 – 5 pm PST |6 – 8 pm EST
    Saturday, Jun 7 & Sunday, Jun 8: 9 am – 4:30 pm PST | 12 pm – 7:30 pm EST
    Wednesdays: 3 – 5 pm PST | 6 – 8 pm EST
    June 18, 25 and July 2, 9

November 7 – December 10, 2025 – Beyond Relapse – Virtual
     *Full Weekend + 4 Weekly Sessions
     Friday, Nov 7: 3 – 5 pm PST |6 – 8 pm EST
     Saturday, Nov 8 & Sunday, Nov 9: 9 am – 4:30 pm PST | 12 pm – 7:30 pm EST
     Wednesdays: 3 – 5 pm PST | 6 – 8 pm EST
 Nov 19, 26 and Dec 3, 10

Cost: $1,650 USD

For more information, contact the SHiFT Recovery Office at 941-378-2122 or

“My stability came out of trying to give, not out of demanding that I receive. Thus I think it can work out with emotional sobriety. If we examine every disturbance we have, great or small, we will find at the root of it some unhealthy dependency and its consequent unhealthy demand. Let us, with God’s help, continually surrender these hobbling demands. Then we can be set free to live and love; we may then be able to Twelfth Step ourselves and others into emotional sobriety.”