Most people who attend our signature 8-Day Residential Program for food addiction (the Acorn Intensive) experience sobriety from addictive eating, along with an incredible new freedom. Transitioning back into daily life with the skills learned during your residential food addiction treatment program can pose a new set of challenges. Our goal is to set you up for success.
The Virtual Aftercare Program gives you the support and structure that you need in order to practice your new way of life back at home. For 10 weeks following the 8-Day Residential Program, participants will maintain daily contact with their counselor, receive one-on-one phone coaching, and participate in weekly group aftercare sessions via online video conferencing.
This program is mandatory for all first-time participants of the Acorn Intensive, as part of the SHiFT Intensive Treatment Program. It is open to all intensive participants. We highly recommend it as an extension of your treatment experience, as participants who do this program report greater success at maintaining abstinence from food addiction at home.
If you’re ready to receive more support for your food addiction, join us to experience the SHiFT: Sobriety, Hope, Freedom, and Transformation.
The cost of the Virtual Aftercare Program as an add-on is $900 USD
What’s Included:
- Daily email check-in with food addiction counselor up to Step 9 (8 weeks)
- 8 thirty-minute one-on-one coaching sessions
- 10 weekly online video conferencing aftercare sessions (3 hours each) with coach and fellow group participants
- Ongoing peer support via group messaging app
Registration and Final Payment:
All participants must submit a completed registration form. Full payment is due 14 days prior to the event.
Contact Information:
For more information, please contact Raynea at the Acorn Office: 941-378-2122 or [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you and sharing in your recovery journey!
Dates | Program | Location | Cost | Notes | Register |